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Trierenberg super circuit 2019

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

You are a winner in famous TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT 2019 !

Your success in this unique collection of master photographers is really something very special !

Check the winner list on TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT website at

We plan to celebrate the award winners in a unique GALA OF PHOTOGRAPHY event in the Design Center Linz. This is planned to take place on Monday, October 14, 2019 as get-together of the world's finest photographers and will match an international top-event with the glamour of magnificent images from around the globe. Of course you and one accompaniment will be our special guests at the gala ceremony and the buffet dinner.

See the very best prints exhibited, enjoy special trailer slide shows and meet photographers/winners from all over the world.

Bref, 22 photos sélectionnées pour l'exposition et une médaille d'or ... Je crois que ce n'est pas trop mal.

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